Note: This is a summary only and does NOT have all possible information about this product. Always ask your doctor for complete information about this product and your specific health needs.
Doxycycline gives a very characteristic rash with redness/sunburn of the dorsal hands, fingers and nose if the patient goes out in the sun unprotected.
Doxycycline is an oral tetracycline antibiotic commonly used in dermatology for acne and rosacea.
Doxycycline is usually taken twice a day, morning and night. The usual dose is 50-100 mg BID for acne and 20-100 mg BID for rosacea. There is an extended release form (Oracea doxycycline 40 mg ER capsule) that can be taken once a day for rosacea, however it is very expensive.
Rosacea seems to be more sensitive to doxycycline and lower doses tend to be used. Indeed, low-dose doxycycline, (e.g., 20 mg BID), does seem to be effective for rosacea.
Doxycycline is often given along with topical therapy, e.g. doxycycline plus benzoyl peroxide plus adapalene for acne, or doxycycline plus Rosacea Triple Cream for rosacea.
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