In order to reduce or prevent the typical isotretinoin lip inflammation shown here, try Lip Balm plus Omega-3 supplements. See below


Potential Side Effects

Potential Side Effect Ways to Avoid/Treat
Dry Skin Moisturizer several times a day
Dry or Blood-Shot Eyes Eye Drops
Dry Lips Lip Balm plus Omega-3 supplements, see below
Flare of acne If severe, call your doctor. Loratadin (Claritin) 10 mg/day, see below
Nose bleeds Vaseline up the nose, several times a day
Muscle aches, e.g. low back pain Not uncommon, but if severe or persistant let your doctor know.
Decreased vision at night Stop the medication and notify your doctor immediately
Depression, mood changes, suicidal thoughts Stop the medication, get help and notify your doctor immediately
Worst headache you've ever had Stop the medication and notify your doctor immediately

Other potential side effects include: sun sensitivity, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, toenail/fingernail inflammation, hair loss, decreased night vision. Please let your doctor know if you are having trouble with any of the above.

Antihistamines to reduce flare and side effects

Take Loratadine (claritin) 10 mg/day along with the isotretinoin to reduce acne flare and other side effects.

Omega 3s

Take 1000 mg/day of omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. Nature Made or Nature's Bounty) to reduce rates of lip inflammation, lip and nasal dryness and dry skin. Note, not all fish oil is omega-3. Make sure to buy omega-3.


Moisturizing creams (not lotions) e.g. Eucerin cream, Cetaphil after the shower are excellent.

Sun Protection

Isotretinoin can increase sun sensitivity so protect yourself with hats, sunscreen etc.


Moderate alcohol consumption may not be good for your health but it is not contraindicated when on isotretinoin.


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