ABCDE of Melanoma
This melanoma has all the features: large, irregular edges, multicolored, with some very dark black areas.

picture here picture here
The "ugly duckling sign" of melanoma refers to the fact that a melanoma often looks different from the other moles. This spot on the upper back was a melanoma.

The ABCDE Criteria is often used by dermtalogists to evaluate moles.

ABCDE Criteria: Any lesion with 2 or more feathures should be removed.

 A      Asymmetric shape        
 B      Border, irregular        
 C      Colors, multiple or dark black        
 D      Diameter, 7 mm. or greater
 E      Evolving


A benign mole with uniform pigmentation
A normal mole is usually round or oval.

A melanoma with notched borders and multiple colors
A melanoma is often assymmetry in shape (or color).

Border, Irregular

A benign, raised mole with hair
A smooth border is a good sign.

A Melanoma with notched borders and irregular color
An irregular, notched border is a worrisome sign (here a melanoma).

Color, Dark or Multi-Colored

A small, benign mole
Uniform coloration is a good sign.

A melanoma with dark black and brown areas
A very dark black or a multi-colored mole is a worrisome sign (here a melanoma).

Diameter 7 mm or Greater

Two small benign moles on the foot
A small lesion is a good sign.

A melanoma larger than a pencil eraser
Diameter 7 mm or greater ("larger than a pencil eraser") is a worrisome sign (here a melanoma).


A benign mole with slight notching of the border
Any mole that has been stable for years and then suddenly changes should be considered for biopsy. This mole has been stable, unchanged in size or shape for years (benign mole).

A melanoma developing in a normal mole
The dark growth in this "mole" was new (and turned out to be a melanoma).

Final Thoughts


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